Way too cold for us and I don't even know how to convert that to fahrenheit. Some say temperature is a state of mind so I fixed your forecast,...
Pals yes, liver eh not so sure about that
The Boobs Cruise is a party like nothing you have ever seen or probably will until your next trip. Every cruise is different but they all are a...
Heard they changed one of the theame nights to men in rompers
We can meet in the pool, the dance floor or hot tub. Cocktails wherever it may be. We are trying not to get too excited to soon because...
It seems.to be different every trip but definatly. more topless in April. Strangely in our experience we notices the younger the crowd the more...
LS = Life style (swingers), Vanilla = not LS, Vanilla with sprinkles = somewhere in between, well not really I just made that up:D.
You mean were not the only one with that problem. If our directors baby come early we are going to have to cancel the whole trip. We wanted to go...
Though only the cool, good looking people could book those dates.:) Sure wish we could change and go later but it cant happen. Were just going to...
Your dates are so much better than ours.
you are a wise man. Or was that Rayanns idea.
Mimosas, rum, shots whatever we will be there at the pool smiling at that point and always up for a cocktail.
Hold on . . . . nope doesn't make me feel any better. But I guess you have double the agony. Maybe TTR should come up with a virtual reality app....
It really is a addiction were already looking at dates for September. We don't even have a flight for Aprils trip as of yet. Just wait until you...
Dates: March 29th - April 5ht Number in group: 2 Boobs Cruise: My liver says no but my other parts say hell yeah. That liver is a whiny little...
Just about the same dates March 29th - April 5th. 4th trip looking at my vacation count down is depressing.
Just a little April for us March 29-April 5th.
We will probably pass in the lobby. We will be the ones with the sad face and boring clothes.
I have been shopping for her new wardrobe at the dentist office. [IMG]
I was really happy when we booked our next trip 2 days ago. Seeing this thread reminded my to start my trip count down. Now I'm depressed, 117...