Hi Dave & Sherry, Hope you guys have a safe trip on Saturday, we will also be arriving that day. Maybe we will see you at the airport, if not...
Hi Trev & Beli, Hope you guys have a safe trip tomorrow, we will be arriving on Saturday in the afternoon, see you at pool side, look for us....
4 more days, we have our orange wrist bands. Paul will be wearing a Nike hat with blue tint sunglasses and Pat will be one of the topless. :)
When are you guys arriving?
Heather, we were going to book a week later but friends of ours told us they go the first week so we booked the first week and it turn out they...
Will do, look for us we will be by the sexy pool, I will be wearing a Nike hat and blue tint sun glasses and Pat will be the one without a top...
Welcome guys, would logged to have a few drinks with you for your 40th. We will be there until the 7th. :)
Joe, I need to get a picture with all your girls. We will only see you guys on the 6th we leave on the 7th :(
Bring it on guys :)
You can also get them in the Dollar General Stores, that is were I picked up ours :partytime:
So Here is the new pic as promised, Isn't he looking SOO GOOD!!!. Great Job Babe so proud of you :liebe011: OMG Bring on Saturday and let...
Happy memorial weekend to you guys too. So lucky that its nice and warm by you to be able to pre-tan, 50's and 60's here in NJ so our pre-tanning...
1 week to go, who will be our new friends? :)
Welcome, we are there June 1 to June 7. Look for us we will have some drinks waiting for you. :)
Dam I knew we should of booked a week later lol :)
Welcome, looking forward to meeting you guys, we will be there June 1 to June 7. :) Paul & Pat
What is in a purple shit?
I will post a new couple picture before we go so I will be reconized.