Welcome to the party! Come say hi. We'll be by the sexy pool.
Welcome to the fun! Don't forget to get your orange Cancun Care bracelets. They're a great ice breaker for people on this site. You guys will love...
Don & Janice here. Thanx for the friend request. We're getting - no - we ARE excited to be making our second trip to TTR! Look forward to meeting...
It also helps to have an orange canuncare bracelet. It helps others on this site recognize you and can be a helpful ice breaker.
Wicked Temptations.com
We're excited!!! Hahaha!
I wore my black Chuck Taylors with black linen shirt and pants. I had no problems. I added red shoe laces for the ladies red dress & guys in black...
We will be coming for our 2nd trip Nov 9th to the 16th. Can't wait! But I guess we'll have to. Hahaha!
You deserve the compliments! Very sexy! Must be the smile. Hahaha!
You're welcome!
We totally agree about the weather. It's too cold in the winters, besides, who wants to shovel snow!? Can't wait for TTR!
We're from Iowa. Go Hawkeyes! Hahaha!
Thanx for the friend request. Have you been to TTR before? If not, you're gonna love it! The people are so friendly.
Cool! Look forward to meeting you. It will be our 2nd time.
You bet!
Everybody is cool! You'll love it!
Thanx for the friend request. Nice bike! Love the boat pic too!
We'll be there Nov 9th through the 17th celebrating our 23rd anniversary. It'll be our 2nd trip & we can hardly wait to get back there!
Room and flights booked 2 weeks ago. Paid for our November 2015 trip today! Too soon to be excited? Naaah! Hahaha!
Thank you for the nice picture comment. We liked your pics too.