Indeed it does Rob...brings back great memories, but as for the shorts, I have no idea what you are talking
I expect nothing other than box seats...I have my reservation placed. Curt & Barb, I have no problem being the first to take my shirt/top...
Hey Tmac, I have the utmost confidence in you brotha...I am thinking that you will break your record from last year :cheerleaders:
Happy Birthday April :happy birthday:
You guys have me rolling with this thread. Oh the memories that coffee table brings back...too bad I can't make it for New Years, but I will...
I am totally shocked...I had the privilege of hanging out with Cheeze in Cancun on a couple occasions and can tell you that he was one of the...
Ha ha, that was funny Tmac :lol:
Hey Rob, I was actually in the hot tub in May 2005...can't really see me, but I was there. That hot tub was super full, but I am sure that we can...
Count Fun Johnny in for April 30 through May 5th :D
Like Troy said, a hell to the yeah!!! Hey Tmac, what are we gonna do for a sofa and coffee table in Hey Curt & Barb, those are...
Damn, I love this thread...oh this is gonna be a trip to remember. :shock:
Damn #7 is smokin :shock:
A hell to the yeah Tmac :shock: :D
Hey Tmac, hell yeah I would still be on that couch too brotha...what a good time...I can still picture you just chillin with that shit eatin grin...
It's about time you got your ass on here Tim...only six months to go and it is on...can you
Ha ha...I am not sure Tmac, you are right, we do all need help...what wild group we have...and I do mean wild. Temptation will never...
Fun Johnny Square Shoes is booked...this is gonna be one to remember for sure.
Great job Rob...what a way to bring back such great memories. See ya on Friday!!!
I agree with you Rob...I have been going since 03 and have seen a few of the Entertainment staff come and go, but one constant has been the people...
Jan & Scott, Oh what great memories and thanks for getting my Monday off to great start. I had a blast hanging with you guys...what a great...