Well you have to have goals, like my old coach used to say if fail to plan than you are planning to fail!! Soooo.......if we are wanting to have...
Booked and ready--2 more for the 28th! :aktion030: Jason and Lori
so how much AIWC is too much??!! :drunk: Between Shotcouple and what we plan to bring plus Fireball of course this could be a good one!!!
30 day countdown has started!!!
30 day countdown begins today!! Officially excited now, tonight I will be dreaming of chants of "15 more minutes till home people" and ordering 30...
Here John I'll give it a try! We had just arrived on our 1st trip...woke up at 3:30am for a 6:00 flight out of STL to Houston, got to Houston at...
somehow i am sure that we can find a way for that!
Thanks for the friend request---see you guys in August---shots on us! both literally and figuratively!!
Ha! I think we will likely be even more "ashamed" this year!! Having a blast!!
seems to be some interest at least in moving a cruise to say the 26th? If we could do that who would be in/prefer that? And is it even...
so we are kinda in limbo on this one.... We are there the 25th thru 29th this time (too short I already know!) would like for the 22nd cruise to...
How about since we are in July talking about August we just make an official "tweak" for all nights----Mexico + August = very little if whatever...
Thanks for the friend request---looking forward to seeing you guys in August!! We will buy the first round!!! Make sure you say hello--Jason/Lori
Imagine being on a beach, surrounded by 100 or so of the coolest, down to earth people around, drinking a cold beer that likely was brought to you...
just bumping to remind myself of 88 days until the sexy pool, purple shit, and late night cheeseburgers and sports pool swims at 4:00am!! In...
This is true---we are hoping to have one during our window (Aug 24-29) we have been 2 times and havent missed one yet---for sure a highlight of...
less than 100 day countdown now!! This is usually the point that the trip gets exciting in my mind and the days start to slowly drag on.... I...
I heard someone talk about what they were our first visit and they summed it up great for those of us that don't like labels.... Some people like...
thanks for the friend request! hope to meet up soon at the pool!!
Yup, last year we were really ashamed of our behavior the whole week.....(we had a blast and re-booked as soon as we could make it back this...