Turk, we have a bunch also.. That will be our last night, so we will be partying it up
Does anyone know of any Beer Distributers that will deliver a few cases to the hotel?? Have friends that only like one kind of beer, and want some...
Intercourse Pennsylvania, It is right near Bird-in-Hand,Gap,and Blue Ball
Just did the advanced check in also. Thanks for the info!!
Ok, We just finished packing and stuffing $53 worth of glow necklaces in our suitcase. She had to leave all her underwear so the glow necklaces...
Noooooo Way!!!!!!!!!!!!! You can not leave your wife there at the resort with my wife!!!!!!!!!! I may as well just go to Arizona with you,lol
LOL puts a new meaning to the word ORGAN Grinder,lol
May have an additional 2 bu they might not sign up until they get down there
Yup, just checked they are still there, just need to scroll down
Turk,I went on Ebay and just typed orange rubber bracelets. I think it was 6.75 for 12. They ship out of Atlanta, and we got them in 3 days
OK the orange bracelets came in yesterday!!! All the new bathing suits are here, I think we are just about ready!!!!!!!!!!!
Yes it is, this is going to be crazy,lol
Hmmmm, Looks like our group just increased,lol....
Ken and Darcie, look us up and we will give you two!!!
We purchased 12 orange bracelets from Oriental trading. We will have extra's!!!!
Ok, we paid our deposit for the 20th.Now it just needs to get here
Ok, looks like we are going to go on the 20th now.
Charles, my hands still stink from them things,lol
We leave on the 26th also, can we do it before that??? What happens on Mondays??