Came across this Xcaret annual pass for "Quintanarroenses" on Twitter yesterday: Tarjeta Xperiencias Xcaret Costs $2000 pesos and includes:...
ATMs: My US bank charges me $5 per transaction, plus whatever the Mexican ATM charges. That being said, some US banks charge no fees. Sunscreen:...
Oh no :( The one on Palenque??
@Rawkus and @V: They're now giving FM2s to newlyweds as well. (I got one, a German friend got one and a Canadian friend who just moved here got one.)
Wait, I can't be a PR right now??? I would think living here for 6 years as a student then an employee would qualify me to move past the Temporary...
For reals?? :mexicoflag: That's the best news I've heard in a long time!
Bus + plane!! MayaAir can save me a seat by the pilot.
Wow TJ, that actually sounds really good! I might wait a few months to see what happens with BOA, then order one in December (I'll be home for...
Hurray! Time for a few days down in San Pedro :)
Gotcha, thanks V :) I agree with you that lower paid employees are often less competent in any country for various reasons. That being said, I...
Maw9779 - Not sure with TJ, but my US debit card charges me $5 - $10 dollars whenever I do a transaction in Mexico. It's not a great option if...
This makes me very sad. Acapulco was the first place I lived in Mexico (back in 2004 - 2005), and it's hard to believe it's come to this.
Well that's all good news! Thanks Steve and V :)
Nobody? *sigh*
TJ - No need to get upset about my comment. To be clear, I agree with you that if they post something, they should stick by it. That being said,...
Maybe going to Walmart is punishment enough? :P
I have a banking question! I found some info on a CC search, but it was from 3 years ago... so maybe things have changed here in Cancun....
Seriously TJ, if you know it's such a hassle, why don't you just pay in pesos?
In rainy season, the forecast always calls for rain (between 10 and 80 % chance, depending on the day). It means nothing. Unless there's a storm...
Got my FM2 today :)