29 days...so ready for this trip. Hurry up November 6th :)
So it's settled...no spray tan. Went to beach this past weekend and got a lil burn. Going to moisturize it then try a bed. If I have a panic...
Getting ready to go down to the beach. Have an ice chest full of beer and sandwiches. It's the nice life. It's making me look forward to cancun ;)
Lol...haven't been on here for a couple days. I will accept that payment. We are at Galveston beach. Be jealous.
I must admit, heathers are nicer than mine.
Nipple licks. Definitely. Sean
So 2 weeks prob isn't enough in a bed? And how often do you go?
Btw...sean purchased the alcohol infused whipped cream yesterday ;) Fun times await :)
I'm just so nervous about the spray. And I'm sure a week maybe of sunbed won't be too bad. Don't have to start anything for 3 weeks anyways since...