I;m gonna cry if you keep on about the POO
I (les) think my poo story and my dodgy (daughtry- it's not ooooover) singing should earn me an automatic braclet...
James, isn't it your turn to wear the rainbow tee bag???
The new story beats the last one by miles because there's other funny factors around it all. Got a feeling this could become an annual event pmsl....
Can I just say, my sexy wife has just pee'd herself laughing which I think is so so insensitive (but also very funny) xx Les
Craig you speak a lot more sense than I ever do and put a point over a lot better to so if I explain to you, you can translate it pmsl. To be...
Oh god I just burst out laughing!!!! So wrong........ Lynfa x
We have an updated poo story... all I'm saying I AM NOT AMUSED. :aktion051: but it was so so funny. See you for the dodgy stories.... Lynfa...
You are too kind!:D All I'm saying is....we now have poo story number 2... get it???? Bet you don't say going for a number 2 in Hollywood so you...
Ah fantastic, can't wait to see you guys again. How's the blind horse? x Lynfa xxx
Hi Sister, hope your both well. I don't want to sound so negative but it's like flogging a dead horse :deadhorse:. It's been done to...
We love both and we think theres some truth in the saying 'you always want what you haven't got'. When Lynfa had small boobs we used to try and...
Please please please, no more. It's getting boring now. Just my (les) personal view. I'd rather see a woman in a sexy dress to be honest x
I (Les) am not taking part in with your DODGY (daughtry........it's not ooooooover) chats again. You lot are perverts and we are angels. Your...
I (les) love'd the school girl night and would love it again lol. That would be enough for me because I'd much rather see the ladies in a sexy...
Of course :aetsch004: I love a theme night now and then, only some years it has seemed like it's "must do this night and then this one and then...
[IMG] [IMG] Good times. Lynfa x
that's 3 weeks you jammy bugger...I thought our 2 weeks was good. Lynfa x
Be great to see you guys again xxx :huepfen013: Lynfa x
I'll help you out there hun ;) Lynfa x