Of course bring the sexy shoes! Just don't hurt anything other than your pride when your stumbling home from Paty O's at 4 in the morning carrying...
We know the joke about Chinos choice of self abuse materials. :D We just weren't sure if there was actually a shred of truth to the notion that...
Curiosity sake, is it actually difficult to get Peanut Butter in Mexico, or is that just a Chinos joke?
Tshirts, boardshorts and button down shirts packed. Last minute shopping done! Medical power of attorneys given to all the appropriate people for...
Bring a bubba keg or insulated mug of some sort. (They sell them at the resort for about $6 US.) Lots of sunscreen if you burn easy. Lots of itsy...
Last bikini arrived yesterday. The packing list has been made, checked and rechecked. Wife's nighttime attire has been set to the side and one...
Mmmmm. Boobies!!! :flash:
Are ya'll sure you can't stay till the 13th or 14th?? :D
Hey ladies, Fredrick's of Hollywood is having a 40-60% off sale right now. There are lots of cute dresses, shoes, accessories and swimwear on...
That is only the preview. Wait till you see the whole ensemble!! :D Is Cancun REALLY still 12 sleeps away?!?!?!?
New bikini preview!! :xyxthumbs: [IMG]
I think that's the thing that happens after midday sex but before the prevening shower. :lotsofmichaelfs:
Woot! Woot! 4 new bikinis arrived today! That's another sandwich baggie worth of luggage. *grins*
While I don't think these were the cheeseburgers Jimmy Buffett sang about, these are the cheeseburgers I think about when I hear the song!!...
What a great view! *Wink, wink* Hope we cross paths someday (or some sheer night!!) :-)
Something new to look forward to, birthday spankings! But only if your a good Valley girl. If your bad . . . we'll have to think of something else...
Chinos can be found on the Boobs cruise one a week and he speaks English! He's probably not classicly trained but . . . he always helps take away...
Baby J has several from WW and MS. Personally I don't care where they are from. I love watching her walking around in all of them!! :D
Hope you remembered your prune juice!! lol jk
13 more sleeps! 312 more hours!! The time seems to be dragggggginggggggg!!!