Maybe in Hawaii or someplace, but not at TTR! I can't even imagine what Chinos would have to say about thick shag carpet if he sees that on the...
Really sorry to hear that. Hoping for a speedy recovery!
Climbing tomorrow with daughter & her boyfriend. Supposed to be a beautiful day weatherwise, and the aspen leaves have turned. Just about at the...
As long as the dreaded "H" word doesn't make an appearance, a few degrees one way or the other is not a big concern. Nor a couple raindrops.
Channel 14 is sometimes a nice diversion, too. And the stories have better plot development!
Red theme, blue theme, a minor issue. The people who go have evolved; way less inhibitions. I think it's more about the changes in society in...
The men usually wear whatever their ladies tell them to wear! Most of the nights are geared to the ladies. No one's really looking at the men anyway!
So sorry to hear that Melissa; we sure hope she does ok. Thinking of you both.
It looks like several couples are going to totally miss lingerie night. Just a thought, what about making the toy exchange night a "lingerie...
The boobs cruise before Chinos & Omar was fun, but a bit less wild. Their addition takes the cruise to a whole nother level, crazy fun wise....
LT & Jen, I totally understand your frustration. Between work, kids, life in general, we all have other things to attend to other than being on...
Naked tequila bingo at the breakfast buffet?
Try looking at them sometime when you have the drunken hungries around midnight.
And if that describes you're situation and you're a guy, you maybe should have given up TTR a few years ago!
We land at 3:40 PM Oct 1. We'd be happy to share a ride to TTR with you if you'd like. We plan to use USA transfers, the private van we book...
Am I dating myself too bad to mention AC/DC?
The really great thing about TTR is that it's a bunch of real people, not some airbrushed to impossible perfection bunch of models. Everyone has a...
It was 21 here yesterday morning, with a dusting of snow. Have any fun place with great people in mind? See ya soon!
We frequently walk the beach both ways perhaps an hour or so. A lot of the other resorts we pass seem almost deserted. I think as Steve said,...
Some crazy lady might send up Darin's shorts. Ya just never know!