Our daughter got married in Cancun a couple years ago, legally for Cancun requirements. Colorado didn't recognize it, don't know why. They had to...
Totally agree that the other guests really make your holiday great. But the front line staff really make TTR as well. From the front desk thru...
Let's not be putting down the paper airplane contests. I've won 2 t-shirts, a bottle of wine, and a Gucci chain throwing paper airplanes there....
Just learned that Peter Crank, known to his friends at TTR as "Pedro", has died. We shared TTR with Pedro in October 2008, as well as at least one...
Yeah Woody & Derek, but it is their resort. They can go in whatever direction they choose. I personally don't believe they can mix their original...
I believe the increased security was just the symptom, not the disease. Evidently the original guy who founded the resort is pulling back and his...
First of all, fabulous post Jamie; you gave a great synopsis of what has transpired over the past couple months. What I don't get is, why does...
You're totally right Ian. Not only are the other guests 99% awesome people, so are the peeps that work at TTR; waiters, bartenders, maids, grounds...
There are hundreds, maybe thousands, of repeaters to TTR. Obviously, those repeaters like the way the resort was, and still fortunately is for the...
I think they're under some very unique pressures. I remember T (Taryn) saying bosses would watch them from inside with binoculars, making sure...
As the time gets closer for your visit, watch the "Roll Call" for theme night discussions that members put together. Lingerie night is the only...
Click through to Alpharooms using the link on the Cancuncare site. They generally have super good rates; I'm told they don't do airfare from the...
A laid back night? At TTR? Nah! Just not a preplanned event.
Great idea; but why not every month? Cancuncare peeps really support TTR! Idea for the comment cards?
Lalo was sure a great part of the entertainment staff. He made a great "nurse" for the bellyflop contest too! Too funny! What a great guy!
Totally agree with what Tori has said. Additionally, we usually try to go down to TTR with a base tan. And, we always try to get some shade...
As expected from you, great trip report! Ya didn't let us down! (Hope you saved a little booze at the bars for us May folks.)
I believe part of the problem is that upper management only partially understands the unique asset they have with TTR; namely, a large group of...
Damn! We'll miss you guys by 1 day this trip; catch ya again next time we hope. Looks like you'll hit the bulk of the epic week crew and I know...