Like awesome driving skills? Or maybe your frame is better suited to a car as opposed to a truck parked in a garage.
There is a definite change around here. And thankfully there's a lot of fresh faces. This place was boring this past summer. Here's to 2010!
The craziest things you will see are whatever you choose to do. So live it up you guys.
Is that including flight? If so, how come it's not booked already? I'm thinking I saw Oasis for slightly cheaper last year sometime in January. By...
I can tell you both as a rookie this past year. One party with this group and you'll be hooked. I met them at the CC party IN Cancun, and after...
I forgot about this. If you're doing it on a weekday I won't be able to do it. But as I've said for the past few months, don't plan around me....
It's influenced by every weekend of antics we've had. But more so from this weekend. Since the time has arrived that we're all talking about it.
The dates definitely are varying. If I'll able to make it it'll probably just be a couple days at this point, which will be the weekend of the...
I'll have you all know if I make it I will be bringing one person: me.
I must. I can't simply give it to Henry to pass on. It just wouldn't be right and would set a bad example for 2011's rookie.
Dedication! I like it!
Wasn't that your ex? If so it doesn't count, Henry. The trip was hers to begin with. :shock:
What have you all gone through just to get to Spring Break? Selling off something valuable, take on a second job, or in Andrew's case (from what I...
Perhaps. We shall see. I'll do the honors of passing on the rookie rank if he is.
This newb has just earned mad respect.
Then don't bring 7 guys. Problem solved.
I'll know soon enough.