Are you kidding me? Only one other person in all CC besides myself started a Christmas thread...where's y'all's Christmas spirit? Here's a...
thanx, Zackman! :mnm:
right-click on the missing pics and you'll see the source is AOL's not hosted on the web but attached to an email?
shoot, i can't see 'em. can you host them on photobucket?
Am certain it's perfectly fine. I wish there was more such information from the Yucatan interior.
You might have a better chance of a response here...
[IMG] I will be making a conscious effort to wish everyone a Merry Christmas this year ... My way of saying that I am celebrating...
*bump* Saw this again recently, but this time it was a blonde (Blonde, Aggie...they're pretty much all the same, lol!)
For what it's worth, you infrequent Free For All visitors! lol!...
I suppose it has been taken care of by now?
Well, there is good news and bad news about my Christmas decorations this year Good news is that I truly out did myself this year with my...
A Strange Old Tool . . . . Do you know what it is? [IMG] Tobacco Smoke Enema (1750s - 1810s) The tobacco enema was used to infuse tobacco...
Those of you with weak constitutions, you may not care to see the pics. Sad... :(
Elvis, When he was really "The King" - Martina McBride was digitally dropped in to this track in 2008...Best close-up of Elvis I've ever seen!!!!...
Hey, our first spam post! I feel so warm and fuzzy. Can we keep it, Steve? Can we? lol!!!!
*bump* saw this again recently... lol
Just read the news. Will keep you in thoughts and prayers, T.J.
Merry Christmas... [img]
Very cool. Since they can't cut through the cable, they might try cutting into the bag. How tough is it?