Looking for a Female to Join me at Temptations March 19th to the 26 All Paid for Pm me
Sorry they dont need to be from Ontario send me a Pm if you wana join me
Are you going in March ...im also looking at dates now
I call BS on this been there 8 times food is excellent
Looking for a ladie From Ontario to join me in March i will pay Pm me
Im looking at going back in March ....any ladies like to join me
Pm us also
Hmmm maybe i need to be there the 11-18
Looking to go Mid Jan single male 8th time any single ladies coming ...im open to other dates
Me and lisa will be there the 6th till the 13 can't wait my 6th time lisa 1st ...let the fun begin
3 more Sleeps and time for some body shots ...6th time returning cant wait
6th to the 13th can't wait
Hows the resort now with all the new updates ...looking to go march
Sugar all the way ...wax hurts and no shaven my balls or chest for 3 weeks rocks ...women love it
One hell of a Party sucks being back to this Snow Storm ...nice meeting everyone and nice to see TTR is improving there night life
Nice meeting you to it was a great party.....hope to see ya in Costa Rica :)
Ive been fishing there for years lots of Sailfish and always rough seas ...but last time out landed 9 sails and 2 bonitos ask for sharky sport fishing
Should be at the sexy pool by 1 pm tomorrow can't wait ...see ya all soon save some body shot for us
I think the same way ...:aktion031: