Thanks for the write-up Kyle
You say playful non-lifestyle fun huh......that's how it all gets started!!!! Enjoy Jim & Kristy
Nope not good!
Wow first visit, you'll have a great time. We're there July 13-20th for our 5th visit!!!
Trip #5 July 13th - 20th 2019!!
Closer to the pool = louder at night! If you plan on staying up until the music stops, problem solved!!!
Lots of sexiness in July!!!!!!
Timeshare speech down to 45 minutes! Skip breakfast and go directly to the tour and presentation. Earlier is probably better since time is $$ if...
This thread title gets me EVERY time......Where do we sign up??
Finally booked a room so it's official. Looking forward to meeting new friends!!!
Jim & Kristy July 13-20 Trip #5 Boobs Cruise - YES
We are 100% going to do the Boobs Cruise this year. It's our 5th visit and have never been!
We love July the weather is always HOT!!!!
We agree you can guarantee the weather will be hot which also ensures less clothing for the week!!!!!
It's official visit #5 July 13-20th. Thinking of splitting off a couple days for a visit to one of the Desire properties if we can make it work....
I'm hearing that there is a hotel or at least tower take-over the last week of July and first week of August. Does anyone have specifics?
Placeholder for July.....we're coming for our 6th visit we're just not sure when!!!! We like the last week of July into the first week of August...
We've been to Cancun 9 times and I tried to get my wife to TTR on trip #1 and she said NO WAY! Well we've been to Temptation the last 4 visits...
Well it's taken a week but I'm finally back to normal!!! Thanks Cancun!
Ok I have to ask, I consider my wife and I extremely healthy but every time we come home from TTR we have some type of respiratory virus. This...