Stealing Used toys thats somethng to bring home to your hubby or wife ...thats like handing out ABC gum ...lmao
Mint flavored is good ... :-o ...whats do your taste buds like
I thought hearing that heated things up in our own room ...lots of time to rest when your dead ... :lol:
Stay away from the trouble and you won't find any trouble ... :arrow:
Sexy Lengerie Toys Lube Condoms Dam i have a dirty mind ... :roll: O yes one more thing $1 dollar bills for tips
Is it lickable :bounce: nothing tatse worse then bad Lube ...
4 Quarts might do it ...
Paul & Liz 7-15 not at Temptations till the 10th but read post pg 31 NickyD 7-23 Bern & Steve 10 -17 Rockinrandal 12-19 Todzila 6-15 Cape...
So who was doing the peaking around the wall ... after a hot steamy eve im sure you were all Thristy ... :wink: I'm sure next years storys are...
Ok, I will make everyone name tags, we don't arrive until the 10th, but if you find us at the pool I will happily have one for all 30 of the...
If you email the picture over to us ( this is not a ploy to see your picture, we will get to see the real thing soon enough) Steve can set it up...
Our March group is going to be a blast ...
When are you going ,,, : :D
The above post was from our old account sorry ...Bern & Steve
I love the infared, however it was not an option when I got the gun as a birthday gift... I live in Canada and my gun lives in Ohio... Not legal...
Well Kelly for the ones that can't be there ..maybe we will have to make it you need to wear Lingerie or a Costume for our After Hours PartyMarch...
All i can say is make no Eye contact with anyone you don't want to talk to ...there is time shares guys on your way out to the Bus ...just keep...
And our countdown continues... The yellow tag has an 11 on it, cept Steve kept the camera centered where his eyes were... lmao 11 days and...
Ok so who is all going to be at Lengire night so looking foward to this night ... :bootyshake: :flash: