Forsure me and Bern will be Fishing but im going to wait and see what the wind & weather will be like when we get there ...last year fishing was...
Re: Curtains What do you mean you have never looked in the rooms? How can you not... last year I would take little breaks in the room, for a...
will you share your library with me?? Cheers Bern
A gorgeous smile on someones face, laughter in their voice, a soft twinkle in their eyes , the perfect body or not, is what I find sexy in...
As far as I can Tell, Margarita's has a bar open all night on our resort...
( LOL KELLY - Basically I said the same thing to Steve about the cruise on the 11th... )
Hmmm by " Sound People" do you mean fun, happy, great group of people... The more the merrier... Our March Group of people is going to be...
You said that so very very well... US TOO
I wish we were doing an hours count down now... so no sleep for you guys tonight? Do you sleep on the plane?
Name tags are almost done... I got a little carried away with colour , sorry guys! Will laminate them tomorrow and then I will have to find...
I m really glad you asked this question... LAST YEAR I told everyone that I was going to another resort. I figured they wouldn't know the...
Travel Safe everyone... Can't wait to see how tanned everyone is by the time we get there... Have a blast... see you all soon! Cheers
There is nothing nicer than seeing a Hot Guy in trunks... so I am with you on that one Rhonda! A few more days till vacation , I can not wait!
A mystery bus ride sounds exciting... Like a treasure hunt?
Every mark left behind after bringing a child into the world is a badge of honour, to be a mother, to have created life, is a gift, wear it with...
We will look for you thanks ..not hard to find a blonde with long sexy legs ...
See ya in 6 Days ....
Please we do not wana see the 2 dudes with channel 12 ...but you on another hand would be a good show .. :wink: have you booked your trip yet some...