Take 2 The customer service at this resort is exceptional from the time the van doors open in the shuttle on arrival, to the time they close on...
I took too long and lost everything I had typed ugh. I will try again when more rested lol. It was a blast! To be continued....
Thanks everyone! My biggest concern was having to get my doctor to write me a note as you know how long it takes for appointments now a days. I...
Hey fellow Canadians! Searching government site wasn't real useful so wondering if any of you have traveled with your prescription meds to...
Hope your travel day goes without a hitch!!! Looking forward to seeing/meeting you Saturday. I am so stoked with the crap weather we have been...
One week today! This time next Saturday my bestie and I will be enjoying our first evening of drinks and shenanigans at Temptation!!! Can't wait...
Reading through this thread over the past few days had me a bit apprehensive of the choice my best friend and I made by booking here. We want to...
Can't wait!
Express Check in done!!! Two weeks and us two girls will be reeking havoc amongst yous! So glad I found this forum and in turn about Express check...
I got $67. I see I'm higher than a few of you Temptation repeaters Soooo I'm gonna take that as a sign that I shall fit right in being my first...
One Month TODAY!!!!! Yeah Baby!!!!!!!!!!!!
I leave the 17th....bummed I'm gonna miss the nurse/doctor night :-( Sorry if I post this in the wrong place but I have a question. Are women...
Awesome :-)
Lol, love that MAYhem. Ok, thanks!
Angela and Sheri :-)
My best friend and I are headed to Temptation May 10th-17th/14. It will be both of our first times, can't wait, have heard so many great things! :-)