Suit cases are packed ready to go 18 long days to go
Lots of fun you will find hehe see ya all there in the pool
Hey guys see ya there say hi see ya in the pool
Great pic love the hat
Well were gonna have to have a couple of those
Our first was last November amazing we are hooked be there feb 26 see ya in the sexy pool :)
We are big Bloody Mary fans would love to try a caesar
Not sure about Red Bull but we have 5hr energy packed in the suit case
Getting existed for some warm sun and fun woke up to 10 degrees and 6" of snow my pour back. See u all on the 26th
Well cheers to that
Hey guys we are so ready our 2nd trip to ttr so were still kinda newbies lol save some tequila see on the 26th
My super hero
I hear you on that almost time to party were booked also:marshe:
Hey guys our first trip to ttr was last November will be there February 26 tothe3rd see ya at sexy pool
My bad had my dates wrong we get in on the 25 th and we are on the 26 cruise
Miss ya by a week
So were on the 27 th boobs cruise so u can laugh at us stumbling off the boat lol see ya in the sexy pool
Nice we get to ttr on the 26th cant wait
Less than a month to ttr
Less than a month will be on the beach