come on people ...get off your asses and book this so we can go! are you gonna get there in time to make the 22nd cruise Hammie??
Comin quick!! more damn snow today :aktion040: but three weeks from today we get there and I can start:ernaehrung005: and Tamara can...
bitchers and whiners. One guy said that they were in 3 different rooms and they ALL had mold...are you effing kidding me? In my 2 visits I have...
us too...really looking forward to making friends over a pic of you guys so how will we know you???
March 22 We are in!!! Pass the beer:headbanger: How many is that???
Theme Nights girl outfit is ordered :mnm:...any ideas where to find (or if we should bother with) a school boy costume?:icon_eek:
well at least you have the Jets to cheer on...oh wait...;) Sorry...couldnt resist. Although they would likely be in a place other than last like...
we get there a day later. Where in the great white north are you from?
hey guys will be winding down by the time we get there on the 20th but maybe see you around....
22 for us PLEEEEEASE!!!!!!!
We agree. Hot tubs, cigars, beer...what else could you ask for?:mnm:
I was gonna say only 344 days? why cant you stay a little longer:icon_razz:
will have to seek it out next time there...I will bring my own Cubans :) we only went to lingerie night our first time...really looking forward...
I have heard there is a cigar lounge (and I do enjoy a good cigar... NOT the beach vendor variety) but I have yet to be there. Where is it???...
tell me about it! We are buried here! I hear the sexy pool calling...and lets not forget lingerie night...;)
I know that they use filtered water for everything. We have been there twice and neither of us or anybody in our group has ever gotten sick. But...
good for you guys...I am sure you will enjoy it. First time is always an eye opener:whisper:
you poor bastards in BEANTOWN....its gonna take you till July to dig out (or so our friends there tell us)....gonna make TTR all the more...
:ernaehrung015::ernaehrung015: if nyou are buying I will be drinking ;)
I guess that depends on what you consider "taking it easy" LOL