I think I speak for our group they we are really looking forward to meeting your guys group...sound like a great bunch:fish:
don't worry. I might leave my toque in my igloo with the back bacon. I wont need it on the ski doo ride to the airport anyway:icon_eek:
good to know eh?? LOL we are so looking forward to it. Looks like a great group. Cant wait to blend all of our peeps from last year into this...
haha...you decided you couldnt pass up this group huh?? LOL. Well good for you guys. 10 days though? You suck!!! ok thats a bit of jealousy...
yikes! Maybe we should be getting scared? Us mellow Canadians might not be able to keep up with you guys. All you Americans wear toques while...
aw damn! thats too bad. We were really hoping we would get to spend more than one evening with you this year. Maybe we should offer some kind...
are you guys still going the end of April? Thought we saw somewhere you might be changing dates. were looking forward to showing these yankees...
sounds good. I am sure we will have no trouble finding a nice church to visit...LOL
you guys are still living in Detroit right? Gonna have a place in Vegas too? We get down to Vegas quite regularly so maybe we can find a chance...
really??? how did we miss this party? Must have had some crazy folks there:lotsofmichaelfs:not us laid back:flagcanada: :icon_twisted:
well that just sucks! who are we going to sick your stalker on if she shows up again? LOL..and I guess we will have to share all of the wet...
we have used them several times. Our first time we did the same thing and tried to contact them. the problem is that the email we used is not...