we are in!!! Yippppppeeeee!!!!! wonder if it will be any fun???:wink3:
uh..wll we got talked into a game of pool at this hole in the wall bar on the Island that Steve takes the men to while the women shopped. Lets...
ooooooh....virgins! :mnm: from what I remember the boat was pretty packed but I seem to recall it being an ok time until Marc and I had to play...
thats awesome...enjoy the Mayhem. Look forward to meeting you guys. After your deployment you both deserve some fun in the sun...first shot on...
I think you forgot one thing...hot women:icon_smile:
we will take a little longer but we will be there. should we pick anybody up along the way???:lotsofmichaelfs:
would I joke about something like that??? LOL
yeah...I think you wanna stay away from this group. I think they will have their hands full with Marc:blueshock:
not us...we arent excited at all:huepfen021::huepfen021::huepfen021::huepfen021::huepfen021::huepfen021::huepfen021: nope...we are enjoying the...
looks like we will get along just fine Mel...as long as you enjoy the odd drink:aktion014:
hopefully we get to share a drink and cheer them on for a game or 2...:huepfen021:
don't worry..we will be gentle ;) by the way do you know what a wet pussy is yet?
I may be a Canadian but I am black and yellow inside...just ask Marc...Go B's!!!!!:huepfen021: and by the way we spent some time in New England...
too funny! I just made that exact point today to John and Kelly:aktion025: and by that logic it looks like we will be there for 11 days not 7:mnm:
welcome to the group guys! first drink is on you ;)
cool! more people....but you arent there long enough!! :cigar:
oh my...more New Englanders...oh well...you cant be any worse than Marc:doh:..haha...jk/ welcome guys! look forward to sharing a drink or 10
thats ok buddy...I know that you are just joking:bootyshake: does that mean you are gonna let Diane come to Canada to visit us? We will have to...
ok..unlike Marc I don't even like Jersey shore but love this pic anyways:xyxthumbs: maybe I could get Tamara to dress up like whats her name...LOL