Definitely music to shake your booty to!! Some of my favorites: Don Omar - Danza Kuduro Michel Telo - Ai se eu te pego Pitbull - Shake...
I think whatever you want!! I am going to make a sign maybe around the size of a regular paper sheet.
Our order just came in hehe!! One of the items is actually something that I didn't even realize I purchased lol - its an accessory to something...
Can't wait!!!! This weather here just keeps changing - doesn't seem like it is spring!
Yay - can't wait!!! :angel2:
Oh yes!! I think Steve only allows up to two - but hey I am sure they will have their own fun too on the other cruise!!
Hey guys sounds good!! Are your friends doing the cruise? Can't wait - so close to June!!
Okay guys - the ferry we are looking to depart from is El Embarcadero. We will catch their first ferry at 9:00 To return - they have boats...
Great!! Everyone else - let us know what you think for your day on the Isla - so we see who else has the same idea. Personally - we want to...
Hey guys - I agree we need to stick together with people who have the same type of plans in mind. What time do we want to meet for lunch?? The...
Hey guys - great points about the different things to do on the isla!! We need to start thinking about what we want to do so we pair up and nobody...
Yes!! It will be a fun day!! It is important that we all be in the lobby at 8am - I know early - but we want to catch the 9am ferry + walking +...
Omg your Hedo comment cracked me up!! Imagine that review!!
I believe there are several golf cart rental sites so it depends where you want to get it from? Looks like one of these maps would be useful:...
lol what do these eggs look like? Can you show me a link?
hey guys are ttr is just around the corner!! Been there before? This is our second time. Let us know if you are interested in the toy exchange...
Hey guys. Here is an update on who confirmed their interest. As of now - we still stand to meet at the sports pool right after everyone goes back...
Thank you Dawn!! :aktion033:
waiting for fridays pay day but count us in!!!
us too but we arrive the 8th