Anyway back to the currency lol. Its about 17 perso to 1 pound at airport money exchanges etc but if you take your current account card/debit card...
This song is a catchy one! [media]
Yeah why not!!!
Count me in plus my mate!! :cool: I will do what ever as long as there is booze there aint no need to snooze I dont know why I just said that but...
Yeah the flight is a killer on the price 20 days whooop whoop!!!! :arrow: :D
I have just turned 25 so dont worry about it! Also no jokes about me looking 12 years old :D .
Thats a good price i checked this holiday out a few weeks ago and it was 1370 pounds so its all good that I booked when i did and i can not wait 4...
I feel sorry for unsuspecting families boarding that plane its gonna be mad!!!! :D They might as well call the flight Spring Break airways! :idea:
Hi I am Pat I am a Prison Custody Officer this will be my first Spring Break and looking forward to getting pissed and playing chase. :wink:
Yeah will do! But I think they will be the only two girls going the rest will be lads :( I wonder if the hotel has a flag pole with the amount of...
Just put your dates and flight times if your staying at this hotel!!!!! :!: DOS PLAYAS :!: PatBish(+1) 8-22/23 March flying from...
I am going on the 8th-22nd March flying from Gatwick departing 1030 am on TCX87K :D
I am going to take about £900 plus back up in my bank account! That sould be enough :cool: :cool:
Only 2 months to go!! We depart at 10:30 thats gonna be an early one as we will have to be at Gatwick for about 8am I like to have a few drinks...
Kid cudi crookers remix i heard this in malia summer just gone and in the last month it has been on the radio quite alot! So i think this will be...
Yeah the Pound aint very sound anymore!
I know I paid my balance a few weeks ago and just before christmas so it looks like I will have to watch my spending so I can have a better...
I am staying at Dos playas 8th-22nd here is the link :P Woop Whoop roll on March!
Thanks for the link but I am booked and I am sure where there is a party a Brit is never far away :lol: