Unfortunantly not arriving till the 6th. Guess I'll have to tone down the drinking or find other volunteers to carry me back to the boat.
Hey Steve, we are booked for two on April 7. If it's looking like the numbers might not make it. We are open to the 15th. We could even do the...
We just put down the deposit for the 7th. See ya there! Steve, please let us know if you will be doing any group transportation from Desire RM. Thanks
April 6-11 for us. We have been to Pearl, but 1st time to DRM. Hurry up April!
We have split our trips many times. I would definitely go TTR first and Desire to follow. Steve can help you set up the transfers. He has...
We typically just follow the theme of the resort. There usually isnt enough people like at TTR to try to organize our own theme night. If you can...
There is a place called scarlet ranch south of Denver. I've never been, but I have heard from a few different people that it's fun.
Desire Rm April 6-11 Desire Pearl April 11-16 2 of us Boobs Cruise. Yes
I totally agree with your comments. The guy is absolutely talented and awesome for about 15 minutes. After that I said enough already. The first...
[IMG]By chance did anyone find a McDonalds uniform shirt on the night of April 12th. My buddy lost it and would love to get it back. Apparently he...
The last posting by Steve showed 76 people. I believe there still room left
I think its definintly worth it. We have been on 10+ cruises and only had 1 bad one due to weather
Last month we stayed at a resort in Playa De Carmen. We went on the boob cruise no problem. I contacted Steve and he arranged the transportation....
Because you wasn't a member when I posted it and I thought you would never see it. LOL