Since it's your first time and you have 8-10 days to play with, perhaps you might want to split the trip between 2 resorts, maybe 3-4 nights...
This is a great thread, you guys rock!
Just booked for Oct 2.... looks like this date will be full soon as well :)
Nothing happens if you aren't dressed with the theme, on any given night a large chunk of people are not in theme. No big deal. As for this...
So I'm thinking a Monday October 2nd Boobs cruise during Octoberbreast is something I can count on ........ :)
I wonder about capacity during your dates, other than weeks with pre planned groups, September was normally a slower month. Your dates are right...
Dates:Sept 29th to Oct 4th Number in Group: 2 Interested in Boobs Cruise? Yes
Fourth trip, first was 2005 right after they reopened from the hurricane back when it was the BBG, we really liked to party with friendly open...
Temptation knows who's paying the bills, they are putting a naked woman painting in the new pool for gods sake lol. Sure there will be some tiny...
Yikes, yes- the American programs are much better, must be something to do with the differing laws. I always get more than a point per dollar, and...
I am extremely sensitive to motion sickness and was very worried as my last 3 deep sea fishing trips were complete disasters. On the Boobs cruise...
Yea sort of, one of the easiest ways to do this is to put everything you are already paying onto point earning cards i.e. phone bill, gas bill,...
Pool is built :)
Just throwing this out there, you can book Temptations with Credit card points. We put every dollar we spend on Credit cards in the Chase program,...
Coming back 9/29/17- 10/4/17 :)