Yaya welcome !!
Boobs cruise photos should stay between your groups of friends so if any of your friends took pics of you and want to privately send them that...
it eliminates you from having to fill out paper work when your there. just make sure to bring a copy to give to the receptionist at the front desk.
yes cause this girl wants the big boat
2 for the 6th hopefully it went through
2 for the 6th
We also got there the 4th and we are about 45min outside of Boston but we are leaving through providence can't wait to meet you both and I am...
Kevin you know I'm always ready to help out in any way!!
I think at that point they will just give him the bottle like they did for nye
Not sure... I've actually never tried room service for breakfast... We tried it for dinner... It honestly doesn't matter to us since we don't go...
you do have to pay for room service as well... only members get free room service and room service isn't cheap.
So we usually go for April but with work this year it's not gonna work out so we booked the first week of May with Kevin and ailsha... Enjoy April...
Looks like we will be joining the madness may 4th - 8th for my bday weekend!!!
We are from south coast mass next trip in April to ttr not sure on dates yet
Wear them all... One each night your there... It's not fround apond. Lol
I will be sticking to the lingerie theme myself since its way to hot out there to wear anything other than lingerie and where else can u go that u...
I cant tell if im more excited about the fact that this will be our 4th cruise, or the fact that I cant wait to see the look on my newbies faces...
Luck you we originally had a 1030 arrival but they canceled that flight so now we arrive at 1130 we're excited it's out 4th trip and our 2nd New...
We are booked and ready it will be out 4th boobs cruise... It's def a must do while your at ttr!
Are you guys thinking about doing the boobs cruise