Edmonton Alberta for us.
Dont shoes have their own bag :) So sucks were going to miss you guys.
Theres a walmart your good hehe. Liquid calories are brutal, I gained 16 pounds over 7 days in 2013. In 2014 only one pound. LIQUID calories...
Im a little guy :)
It all depends on your body type, you look great now from the avatar. Size takes time, lots of time, and food hehe. I cant do 6 on, the workouts...
I havent done any cardio since 2010 pre contest hehe. I may go back to it, would rather control what I eat than do steady state cardio. We do sled...
@Jessica you had me at butt floss ;) Hows the packing going?
I have been dieting since October 21st. I was going to add in 100 grams of carbs more a day around Feb 6, depending on how lean I am. We will see....
This is a super simple basil calculation, does not get into macros. My macro split is 30% protein, 10% carbs, and 60% fat. 1142/380/2284 calories...
The 1.6 is activity level dependent. My workouts are brutal, so its an easy 700 calories and my job is moderatly active as is the rest of my life....
Yup, Im 238 pounds right now, and leaning out. Body weight * 10 * 1.6
I eat every 2 hours in a keto state, just to keep the calories in. Im eating about 3800 right now. When I went on Keto I bumped my calories and...
Last night we were at the bank and they encouraged us to take Pesos, due to the exchange rates with the USD. Canadian to USD is like 1.39 last...
We dont have Cable in the real world so not going to use it while there! When we are there, the rest of the world does not exist. Each to their...
Unplug and be free, besides drunk face book is a bad idea ;)
:( We will be there on the 20th.
there is another thread for this, here is a quick copy. 2019 THEME NIGHTS - FEBRUARY 24 THRU MARCH 2 Feb 22 White night...
We book the cheapest room possible, we spend almost zero time there, other than sleeping, which is usually only 5 hours at night, and perhaps 2...
Hey sunshine, what are you dates that you guys are going. You have an amazing attitude and I'm thinking, a fun couple to party with.
Is wearing your swim suit under your suit pants acceptable? Being that one needs to truly prepare for your trip, wishing that you were there now,...