Normally we take U.S. $$$ but with the exchange being so bad I'm thinking Canadian will be the way to go. Anyone at Temp now that can post what...
Jan 23-30 for us :clappyinghappy:
We're booking trip 6 today!!!! We'll be there Jan 23-30. Lets get the party started :mnm::cheerleaders::daveandmo:
Di and I always joked a pimps and whore night would be fun. Gals as pimps and guys in drag as whore lol
Want to start the theme conversation? Corset is one of our favorites
How many time has everyone been? This will be 6 for us
I'm sure it will be all good then. We look forward to meeting you all!
Look like it's 95% confirmed we'll be joining you guys! On a side note, don't use Sunwing EVER!!!!
Don't think they have strip clubs in Cancun. I could be wrong but I'm pretty sure
We were also wondering if there's any new info. Steve have you heard anything?
Hey Octoberbreast peeps! Miss you guys :cry:
For you CFL fans out there we were there with Andrew Harris a couple years ago. We actually sat next to him and his gal on the flight down (we...
This goes on the worst: "Sorry dude I peed on your foot" Yep that happened :wuerg011: #washroomproblems
We're thinking about Feb this year. Who's in?
Tickets to the Flames game tonight! GO FLAMES GO!!!
Love them!!! lol
GO FLAMES GO!!!:flagcanada:
If they plan to add 150 rooms they'll have to close down, there just no way the pools or restaurants could handle that many more people. That's...
We like corset night but are open to pretty much anything.