Thats an awesome story!!!! TTR is definitely the perfect place to reconnect :) Great report!
Yes airfare definitely has to come down and Zac definitely has to be there!
Can't wait for a true HME reunion.... See you there July 22 or 23rd til the 28th :)
hahahahahaha........ That burrito story is too funny!!!! I was cracking up!
So many things!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
last time we went A LOT of people got sick. The first time, I think there was only one and that wsa only because he was soooo hungover so I guess...
Good thing you were not AT ALL set up for that ;)
[IMG] Per Jeff's request :)
Cause you've never been with us ;)
That picture is from 2009, our first trip to TTR..... We don't know those guys but they were a good time!!!!!
[IMG] I have to chime in!!!!!!!
AGREED!!!! You all better tear it up for us!!!! and Chris I would love nothing more than to pull a B and Sherrell on ou guys THIS year but things...
When does the July 2013 roll call start!!!! ;)
The stores are jam packed!!!!!! Everyone is stocking up for Irene, and driving me nuts!!! lol...All I hope is that we do not lose power!! My kids...
Im guessing you have few friends :(
By asking this I really am not trying to be an a"hole, but how is it that as soon as Alisa gets any number of votes within five minutes Nancy is...
Nancy, Im sorry, but by saying "other girl" does not imply you being ugly. What does it imply???? ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. Just a reference to a person...
YAY!!!!! I cant believe this other girl has so many votes!!! I though Alisa would have killed this EASy...ha
Woohoo!!!! Finally up by 7!!!! YAY!!! Keep it up!!!