We will be in the cancun airport hopefully through customs
Hahahahaha.... So when I saw you 2 in sept, my carry on bag had 4 pairs of shoes and my big bag had at least 10 (that I remember) none of them...
Totally!!!! My birthday and anniversary the next day... it's going to be an awesome trip
Haha you two! Xoxo
The shoes are always my downfall I could pack so light without them
Indeed! Only a few more sleeps
OOOOH YES!!!! and Halloween is my birthday too! Need all the drinks and spanks
On the 27th at 6.15 am get into cancun at 9.20 hope hotel by 11
And yay will be seeing you 2 soon xo
Nice! Ya that is how we met a couple who became great friends... And Hi!
Us too... sometimes we get it right. Actually had someone come up to me once and know by my necklace where we were going....
Flying out of Toronto (from London ont) at 6.15 am into Cancun by 9 20 on the 27th hope rooms and booze are ready, I will need it, not looking...
I think we will be doing that this trip... (new members) definitely have to try it all... When we moved this year we splurged on a hot tub... best...
Haha right? See you guys soon!
I know 17 for us
It was interesting..... I went solo, lol
Right? Each day crawls by... 19 to go.... And I was just there 2 weeks ago, haha
So are we!
Masquerade can be anything! I have seen everything from lbd/suits and 50 shades of grey esque attire to lingerie and even some people take the...