Hey! Noticed we weren't on the Halloween party list! We're in! =)
Yes, the beach can be walked upon.
Nahh.. bring back CHINOS!
Likewise, guys. We can aim to be up at a half-decent hour and you can stash it in our room. (Gotta try to bridge the gap a little between the...
Been having one every day out here on Vancouver Island for the past 7 weeks. That's about as far west as Canada will take you. Most recently at...
$1 Million? Nahh.. $480,000 to $510,000* plus all applicable taxes (this includes a drive-thru). Additional Working Capital: (start-up costs)...
This Premiere thing is going to be debated forever. Like yourselves, we decided that the extra cost to eat lobster, have free wifi, and sit in a...
We have done the last week of March three times now. Probably going to be a fourth. So, I hope that calms yer fears a little. Never tried a...
I think there are a few scattered around depending on the time of the month you're going. There's this thread for the beginning of November:...
May we make a request? Can we switch corset with Superhero night? Does that ruffle any feathers?
Whaddya mean.. like go back to the rooms and play videogames or something? Because I rock at Mario Kart..
Quite honestly, probably not THAT much off to make a noticeable difference.
Well, we show up somewhere around noon or 1-ish on the 29th. You're picture is a bit obscured so I'm not sure if we'll recognize you.. but if you...
5th or 6th works for us. We leave the 9th, so before that would be ideal.
A repeat outfit by popular demand.. lol.. I'm sure that could be arranged. Flames fan.. dang.. will you guys be ready for the season this year?...
Woot! We are threepeaters for March, but we are in desperate need of a vacation and couldn't wait until then. We're down for the corset...
Steve: We're interested in throwing our name on the Nov 2 cruise. Thanks!
Steve: we're interested in the Nov 2 cruise. Thanks!
Steve: we are in for a cruise on Nov 2! Thanks..
Derek's is on Nov 6th! Yer all invited.