rdubnpk Lady I work with has a daughter that teaches math in high school and coaches the JV basketball team. Their medical has such large gaps...
rdubnpk I suspect a different generation. The Beatles are the most innovative ever.............period.
rdubnpk I have never met any rich teachers.
rdubnpk Not a single mention of A Beatle song, the Stones, Elton John, Led Zep.................
rdubnpk Let's consider this scenario. The rich and super-rich have purchased the Republican party through campaign donations (actually, both...
rdubnpk What a unique and special idea this past week...Vote off the person who is the lousiest singer!!!!! McDonald reminded me of the mating...
rdubnpk What?
rdubnpk I started this thread but have been flitting around looking for booby shots. I see the consensus of opinion is that a) Obama doesn't have...
rdubnpk After ogling all the page 3 girls in The Sun, if I was a lady in England, I would probably be a lesbian, too..........
rdubnpk Does anyone else out there watch American Idol??? What a load of crap it has become!! The hottest female with the best voice of the season...
rdubnpk It'll never work. I hear you guys have crappy hot dogs.
rdubnpk The primary thing we need to do to cut the budget is to stop being the world's policeman. How many billions of dollars are (and have been)...
rdubnpk Ah! A multi-tasker. Damn the damn politicians (hmmmmm..boobs.....)
rdubnpk Got you guys' minds off boobs for a few, didn't I? And they said it couldn't be done...........
rdubnpk I am not sensing a lot of sympathy for the poor and down trodden lol. I am 100% on your side when the people we are discussing are those...
rdubnpk Like the politicians do.
rdubnpk Better to remember old songs than talk about new gripes anytime!!
rdubnpk There is no doubt the US economy is in sad shape. Unemployment is still sky high and no new jobs are being created. In times like this,...
rdubnpk I smoked for thirty years and was smoking three packs a day when I quit. I started out on Zyban (sp) which is supposed to take away the...
rdubnpk Thank you. But, I didn't mean to chase everyone off with somber news. Let us once again begin the discussion of the positive aspects of...