rdubnpk I know that is unheard of for someone to challenge and incumbent, but those of us on this side of the fence ain't real happy with the big...
rdubnpk They have come out with an estimated (and I'm sure it is low) monetary cost for the war in Iraq of $1 trillion dollars. The defecit is...
rdubnpk My point was that the rich have their right not to be taxed defended to the point of signing pledges not to do so while the middle class...
Bush said sorry? I must have missed that. And you still missed the entire point. Yes or no- is a payroll tax a tax? If yes, why is its...
rdubnpk You are all missing the point. The Repubs (not all, but 200+) have signed a pledge to allow no new taxes to be passed. If the payroll tax...
rdubnpk I am no fan of Obamas, but he has to deal with the Republicans in congress having one and only one goal. To make sure he is not reelected....
rdubnpk It wasn't necessary for the terrorist to attack us here in America. We put our young men and women in the line of fire in their own back...
rdubnpk The Repubs are having a hard time with the idea of continuing the 2% payroll tax reduction. The payroll tax reduction adds money to the...
You can go to ANY internet web site, be it right leaning or left leaning and, if they are truthful with the facts, will show that Bush was a...
rdubnpk Please read any assessment of the Bush presidency by anyone and tell me that he was not a total drain on the economy. Where have you been?
rdubnpk And Bush II was a conservative???? Let us not forgot the parasite that led us in to this whole mess.
rdubnpk The Republican candidates with few exceptions did, in fact, state that it was a mistake to exit Iraq. Michelle (I wanna be just like...
rdubnpk Are you calling me stupid?
rdubnpk It is time for them all to go home. End of story.
rdubnpk I would agree with you on a lot of your points except for the worst President thing. Bush II orchestrated the war in Iraq for reasons we...
rdubnpk The report I read said nothing about second homes and, in fact, is not strictly reserved to second homes. The middle class would, once...
rdubnpk Hot off the presses.......the Republican plan to reduce the deficit and bring in more revenue reduces or deletes the use of home mortgage...
rdubnpk So all of you guys are saying "if they are incapable, for whatever reason, of making it in America then screw them." If they can't afford...
rdubnpk I think the reason there is no real direction to the whole movement is because it is so difficult to figure out exactly who is to blame....
rdubnpk My God!!! The guy on the left must have a corn cob up his ***!!!