rdubnpk I agree. Gingrich is getting blasted with negative ads here in Florida, already. So, Mitt must consider him the biggest threat....
rdubnpk Well, it appears that the Repubs have decided that, depite his Paganism, Mitt is the candidate that can beat the Big O. I must admit that...
rdubnpk This entire discussion is moot because when whichever Republican candidate is finally elected president, each and very Spanish speaking...
rdubnpk Definitely a women question. As we all well know, men are basically dogs and, like dogs, they are very easy to please. We just want to see...
rdubnpk Could you all please go to the "Free for All" section, hunt up "Needs Prayers" and send that lady some love. She has a terrible illness...
rdubnpk Everyone please check out "Need Prayers" on this site and show that young lady some love.
rdubnpk Actions will soon speak louder than pledges. Watch and see if I am wrong!!
rdubnpk Watch out, my brother! They may kick you out of the white anglo-saxon Protestant club for citing a non-Christian associated event!!!
rdubnpk We are so sorry to hear about your illness. This is the time of year for miracles and we are hoping for one for you!!!
rdubnpk Just to set the record straight..I do not have the god-like ability that some of you seem to have to know that I am absolutely right about...
rdubnpk Time will tell who was truly being duped and I don't think it's me.
rdubnpk I refer to them as the 1%ers only because they have been so thoroughly duped into defending the Kardashian's, etc piles of money. The rich...
My Father was raised on a small farm In Bonifay, FL. Never had s**t, either. My feelings are that the government is never going to stop spending....
rdubnpk Someone who is willing to put life and limb in jeopardy to protect me and mine is worthy of my respect, regardless of sexual orientation....
rdubnpk It was definitely my opinion that Blair was little more than Bush's toadie but the flock of 1%ers that frequent this website will be quick...
rdubnpk So it is a world-wide phenomenon?? I thought Tony Blair and W must have been cut from the same cloth. That isn't a complement, by the way.
rdubnpk I felt the earth move and I wasn't having sex!!!
rdubnpk All I see is the usual beating around the BUSH!!
rdubnpk Same to you, my brother!!
rdubnpk The defecit didn't arrive over night, either. W was accumulating it his entire presidency. Remember, we had a budget surplus at the end of...