rdubnpk Big O, the "assassin", has struck again, this time in Somolia. Navy Seals have rescued an American and a Dane who were captured by a group...
rdubnpk Why should someone be criticized for adhering to the tax laws? He is, as he has stated, paying exactly what the tax laws require and not a...
rdubnpk His ilk thought it was their right to screw the help.
rdubnpk Wasn't he more famous for using the "N" word???
rdubnpk V, you seem so.................well, calm. did they change your medication???
rdubnpk He was (reportedly) leading, according to the polls, until the quasi-details were made public up until the final days before the vote. He...
rdubnpk Well, I actually UNDERESTIMATED how voters might react when the nuts and bolts of how a 1%er became a 1%er was revealed for all to see. I...
rdubnpk There is a song in 'the Best Little Whorehouse in Texas" sung by a politician who is trying to avoid addressing the continued existence of...
rdubnpk Peace out my Brother.
rdubnpk I was laughing out loud when I wrote that comment. Knew it would get you started.
rdubnpk One thing...............he's not a Republican.
rdubnpk Apparently, someone out there is feeling bad about it! His lead in South Carolina is tanking and a melandering blow hard is creeping up...
rdubnpk So, they sign pledges to not raise taxes on them, risk alienating an entire group of Americans (see 99%ers) to defend their inalienable...
rdubnpk Soft, fuzzy sweaters, delightful to the touch.
rdubnpk And there lies the problem. It takes so much money to get elected in this country that only the super-rich or those with the backing of...
rdubnpk And W is responsible for the deaths and maiming of countless of our own. Now go join the 1%.
rdubnpk To sum up Bush's ineptitude we need speak but one word, Iraq. We are still paying for that folly and will still be paying for it for...
rdubnpk Who replaced the right wing loon who, for the most part, is responsible for the mess we are in.
rdubnpk The third (at least the third reported) Iranian nuclear scientist went to meet Allah this week. There have also been reports of nuclear...
rdubnpk That is actually true. They have established a quota and the department in charge of that must that quota meet........... Alabama has...