I am the same! I check posts repeatedly daily, once we have booked! However, rarely inbetween, as it just makes me depressed that I don't have...
I will keep this idea for our, hopefully, trip in April.... Classic!!!
You seem to attract the creeper single guys!!! Lol.... I'm sure it has absolutely nothing to do with that six foot, sexy blonde, on your hip!!!...
Frost and rain unfortunately! We very rarely get snow where we live... much to our kid's disgust! In fact, our eldest is thirteen and has never...
Any of our more open minded friends, know we go to the same hotel each time.... (but not which one....) They are in two categories, the ones...
Due to this site.... on our recent trip, we met many people prior to our stay. While I do most of the chatting (anyone that knows me knows...
Still got them, will bring them back everytime we go.... just in case! In our experience, friends from TTR, have a habit of turning up when you...
I think we need to do this more! Lol... Have never liked to before... However, seeing many, many chairs reserved from early on and not, or...
Having been recently... pool depth wasn't an issue at all really... There are plenty of areas that are less deep that shorter people can hover in...
Lol..... I am Officially the Worst Girl to Buy presents for!!! Jewellery, I have what I need... Anything else, if I need it I buy it! I am the...
OK, we are officially addicts!!! In the line for security at Cancun Airport, someone showed us a great deal for April from the UK.... I think we...
Very honest trip report from the same time we were there! The only thing I would add... The sexy pool music could do with being turned done a...
For everyone that made it and were hosts.... Thank you, thank you, thank you!!! You are all lovely people, many that we will keep in touch with...
Lots of sunscreen, a towel and something to cover vital bits when going unto the island....
I think some people were on the pool side of the sexy pool and others were on the dry side! Lol.... I will pm you all to let you know the first...
I personally think, Cancun is like anywhere else, you are in a bad place with bad people, doing bad things???? 20yrs ago, my sister hid 3 murders...
When... you go to your home page on Facebook, and instead of what someone's child/grandchild did that day or who is fighting with whom.... You...
The majority of your Facebook threads on your home page isn't what someone's child just ate for breakfast, but is filled with temptation...
Hi we there from 26 come say hi
I was thinking today about how many people go to temptation when it is cold in their own country... given that the nature of temptation means...