Glasgow is two ish hours away. Belfast is technically closer, but unfortunately there is an expensive bit of water to cross to get here! Lol......
For Chinos Cause... Static caravan for six people with hot tub, no reserve, for a week anytime available.... Or, newly renovated cottage with...
Lol...Turnberry not far away!
Accommodation, we could do... but three/four hours from Edinburgh! But... Accommodation with hot tubs!!! Newly renovated six person cottage,...
Unfortunately, we don't arrive until the next day.... But please feel free to come up and say hi! Hopefully, we will be there in time for hot...
Down to 10 days for us... maybe I need to start packing the dental floss!!!! Lol...
Well Facebook does have it's advantages! Live feed from penthouse suite!!! Lol...
I want to help with the auction but my imaginative ideas are empty! Could there be something you can only get in Scotland or UK that someone...
Of course that is dressed up for dinner and perfectly acceptable in my opinion.... In Scotland, shorts wouldn't normally mean outfits like this!...
And she is awesome!!! In her own right....
Just read the April fools post. Started to actually panic!!! Travelling 10ish hours to stay in a 'normal hotel', definitely not cool!!!
Imo... Security are just following their official line. Many new... they aren't bad, just valuing their jobs! We just need to soften them up a...
While I accept a lot of people are from warmer climates than ours... I would never allow my hubby to go for dinner in shorts! He always wears...
No dance music you can't dance too.... My only requirement! I like many genres, many artists..... Personally, I prefer new ttr play list to...
So topless is ok, with potential strings on bottom during day, but see through is unacceptable at night? Lol.... do more research before going...
From personal experience.... the new ttr has been as good, if not better than before! We now choose to go twice a year rather than once.....
Lol... donation may not be in us dollars... but I'm sure uk pounds or Mexican pesos will still be good!!!
Lol... sounds like my man!!!
I much prefer ccc than Facebook... With Facebook, I think some people post specifically to get a reaction. If you don't like ttr, don't go or...
Never had any issues at all! Well... other than a sniffer dog taking interest in our hand luggage.... that our cat's love to sleep on!!!...