Ok... this our third time with the chaos crew and we have never seen this jenga game!!! When? How can we join, if we can??? How did we miss it...
We will be there 26th to 3rd... For my belated 40th, though I hate to say it!!! Lol.... Are you signed up to the Boobs Cruise on the 27th? If...
Soooo, looking forward to leaving 'adult' world behind and going to temptation! Lol!!!
Hmmmm... Us!!! I just want to get packed so I know I'm all ready, but 'real life' keeps getting in the way!!!! I have had to create an iternary...
Don't say that!!!! Our first year the water temperature was nice -2nd week in December.... Next year, first week in December, I was cold more...
Emmm.... I'm just under that... Never mind no boobs showing, it will mean holding your glass out of the water all the time! I think I am going...
No chance of getting him to wear his kilt, even for the boarding passes! The only place he isn't self-conscious is Temptation... I tried to get...