Immigration is usually pretty easy in Mexico. They stamp your passport and then you press a button, if the light is green you walk straight to...
Hey AJAY, AKA Angela and Jeff. We'd love to see a Neon Rave theme night! Somewhere between the 26th and 30th ideally! Pretty Please!! Everyone...
If Halloween 2015 is half as crazy as 2014 it will be a freaking riot! Thanks Angela and Jeff for organizing the Hotties and Hellraisers. The...
Spank Bank! If you are on the boobs cruise and you see 2 girls who are doing alot more than making out and you say to yourself. "I'm going to...
C U on the 30th!
Hey Steve, This is the first cruise after the daylight savings time change. What time are we all supposed to meet u in Patty O's?
You guys sound like fun people to hang out with!
I thought you were going to stay on shore and tan your cheeks, and send the wife with us! We would have taken care of all of her needs! She would...
That part about hitting the gym before your next trip is freaking hillarious. I think we all feel that way and that's probably why all of the...
Come Hell or a Hurricane us 4 Canadian kids are getting on that boat!
If you remember it as being the best dam boat ride you ever had in your life! Yet can't really remember any of the details of the trip, except...
There probably isn't a resort in all of Mexico that is more fun than TTR! You will have a fantastic time. She can go topless or not, nobody really...
F*CK AROUND by Pepper is a great boobs cruise theme song! Plus the lead singer looks a lot like OMAR.
Sign up 4 Alberta Kids for Oct 27th.
You people who have completed your bucket list or are working on other peoples bucket lists kill me. Because that's freaking awesome! No wonder...
Thanx Angela, We'll talk about it and come up with something sexy for halloween. Hard to beat 50 shades.
Hey Laura or Alison on AJAY, whatever you go by. LOL Can you share a pic of how exactly u dressed up as 50 shades of grey? Or even just describe...
Halloween Haunt We can't wait to celebrate Halloween at Temptation. C U all there!
2nd Time Sign us up for October 26-Nov 2nd from Edmonton! [IMG]