CrazySexyDoubleG ?
Wow you're good! I guess I'm going to have to quit inviting more friends to join us for Halloween now that it's sold out. Although with the H&H...
We're going to be there Oct 25-Nov 1st. You guys sound like you are fun to hang out with. See you when you get there.
If you're nervous, it probably means you are excited about what could happen when you're there. Kind of like going on a first date. So many things...
It looks like we'll be there for a couple of the same days as you. We arrive on the 25th. Hope to see guys then.
If that's her you better not track her down because you're not going to enjoy the conversations you have with her. Nobody does! LOL! But for some...
Okay who was she? promise I won't tell anyone! Unless it was Caitlyn then lie to me!
At Halloween last year there was so much action going on it was fantastic! At one point there was 2 girls having a lot of fun in a very impressive...
Halloween week is a riot, hope to see you guys then! Did you book yet?
There! I found her for you! You're Welcome Brett Farbe! By the way, how much were you drinking that week! Best stick with your girlfriend!
I think that if the two of you ever do meet you should write a book or a screen play about it and then turn it into a movie. A word of warning for...
There are plenty of things you should be aware of on the beach at night, and that's one of the main reason's people go there, but bugs don't seem...
See you guys in October!
We would also miss it because we leave on Nov 1st. However Angela it's impossible to please everybody all of the time! So if you can have Rave...
Ravers Wanted! Hey Angela and Jeff, Mexican Fiesta night means nothing to most of us. What do you think about having a Rave/Glow night instead?...
We're really looking forward to making some new friends between Oct 25 and Nov 1st. Also can't wait to party with those crazy Hotties & and...
Did you guys notice the guy going down on the girl at 39 seconds in that first video you posted? That reminds of me of the foam party a couple of...
We'll be there for most of the same days as you guys! Nice to see some more sexy Albertans coming to Mecca!
We went on the boobs cruise Monday March 30th and the first thing I noticed was a new permanent platform on the Catamaran so I asked Steve why...