Day 2 Boobs Cruise 4/8 One word. Epic! WARNING if you DO NOT have an open mind, if public nudity, oral sex or sex bothers you, DO NOT GO ON THE...
First of all GREAT trip. Temptation is an awesome resort. We do not have one complaint. In my opinion if a person has any complaints they are a...
A gallon of good old high quality H2O before bedtime.
We will definitely say hi
Less is best!
Two more wake-ups ! Someone please have drinks ready for us. The goal is to be drunk within a hour and motorboat a random female stranger within...
We will see u there.
I would like to schedule an Interview for your open position of DICKRRISTA.
Rules??????????/ What are rules??????????? Let's just do it!!!!!!!
That's awesome!
If you have an Ipad you can pre-pay for 3G data and use that. That's what we r doing. I had to buy a domestic plan and add on the international...
yep we will be there
We are getting very excited too. Seems like all we talk about is our trip to TTR. We can't wait to meet everyone!
Yes! Educate yourself about what you put in your body. Processed foods are the worst. TRY to keep it natural. Less food more often. DO NOT skip...
Anyone flying out of Miami on April 7th?
So how do I know who to hit on if I don't know what u look like? :wink3::wink3::wink3:
Darn it! Maybe next time? This will be our first trip!
Hi! Thanks for the friend request! When r u guys going to TTR?
Thank you!
I originally booked our round trip ground transportation through Expedia who uses Best Day. After reading some trip reports that stated it took...