I miss all you guys and the leisurely lifestyle that I had just a week ago. Oh well, I guess if we lived everyday like we live at TTR, it...
Herby has convention in vegas every may. Found out brent goes to same convention. I sometimes tag along just to shop, hang at pool and dance. You in?
We brought a camera, but it stayed in the room 99% of the time. We only got it out to take a few portrait style pics of Jacq. We'll share some...
All I can say is ditto....well except for the pink bendy thing comments. We wouldn't know about that... :azzangel:
It was good to get to know you guys and hang out. We're still sitting in the ATL airport, waiting for our flight home. Brent, I'll see you in...
We are on the plane heading home. Got upgraded to first! We definitely need a vacation to recover from our vacation! Thanks to all of you that...
We are on the plane landing in Cancun in less than an hour! Woot!!:lotsofmichaelfs:
Can't sleep. Ready to get on a plane before daylight!
The weather, sick kids, my rib injury... It seems that all things are working to discourage us from going and having a great time with friends at...
Checked in to the flights and on a plane by this time tomorrow. Jen & Kyle, how's the kiddo? Did the Dr. visit help? Still see you this weekend?
I know both 8 track from 70s - lived it - and 8 track ap- due to my teen :) i knew those kids would come in handy some day! See you guys in 36 hrs!