First and foremost, we hope everything goes very well for your daughter. As for your trip,Cindy and I are bumming that you guys are there in...
Yeah that's a bummer! Hope we can all meet up again in May.
Cindy and I will be traveling the 2nd-9th of Nov. Can't wait to get back to ttr!
Hey there Joe and Fran! Do you remember Todd and I from Epic week 4/11? We are happy to see you are going to TTR the same time as we will be there...
We think it would be fun. We suggest a sexy pirate night also.:clappyinghappy:
Hope you have room for two more. Looks like a lot of people are going to be there in late April, which works a lot better for us. We sure hope to...
Hard to belive that the other contestant picked up over 100 votes in the last 24 hours.
Cindy just voted.
How could we not vote for you. You put to much work into it, to not win.
Ron, can you imagne what Cabo would be like if the crew from EPIC week was all there?
From what we have heard, it sounds like we missed a great time! Happy late birthday Paul. T & C :aktion033:
We were there last Halloween and the evenings were warm and the days were hot. No rain at all and no jacket or sweater needed at night.
Two gorgous guys. I wish they had there tops off.
Your doing great. just keep surfing around and it comes pretty easy.
Were back home:banghead: and all we could talk about on the way home is, we should have stayed the extra night to celebrate Pauls birthday with...
No doubt about that Ron, Cindy feels the same way!
Rick, Monica, THANK YOU! We don't leave for two more days and it's snowing, the wait is agonizing. Seeing those pictures lets me know fun is just...
See you guys in a couple of days! We start packing in the AM.
Awesome report. Glad to here it was such a good time. We arrive Friday and your report just gets us that much more excited.
We love surprises:icon_lol: