I always bring a bag of Starbuck's with me.Don't forget filters! I did the 1st time I went.Doh!!
sharkies, Great,fun report to read.18 hour trip!Honestly,I don't know how you Europeans do it.I can only last about 3 and a half hours on a plane...
:flash:Boobies are always welcome at TTR!
Great report.Nice to hear a single gals' perspective.I wish I was there!
Try n2nbodywear.com and check out the sale section.That's where I shop for trips to TTR.
It would be great if there was a toga night.I've been to both Hedo's and toga night is always a lot of fun.Bring the toga to Temptation!Have fun...
All that and no gag reflex! Oh my! Excuse me I have to uh,go and um,take care of something.
:schlafen004::mnm:Love the reggae! Impossible not to feel good when reggae's in the air.
Enigma.Yes,great stuff! Delerium used to make music like this.Thanks for posting this.
sharkies--Please,no apology necessary!! I love discussing music:good,bad,silly,over rated,under rated,all of it.I see you have 47 days untill...
sharkies-I'm not into Rammstein,they're just silly.I do like a lot of industrail and ebm.Suicide Commando,Velvet Acid Christ,Reaper,old...
:doh:Correction:"Silence" by Delerium gets played.
:ernaehrung005:Hi sharkies.What can I say?I'm a goth and old school metalhead.I like it dark.There's a great goth scene in Germany.However,music...
The new Anthrax cd "Worship Music".Outstanding!!
Great pics! Even though you're a Cowboy's fan.
I'll be freezing my ass off.You kids must have been very good this year.Have a great time!!
:xyxthumbs:Congrats Miss Temptation August! You and your husband were there the last two days I was there.You are wild! Good luck in January.
We never forget.We never give up.
Hopefully he just got suspended.He's good for business.At the end of the day that's really all the suits care about.