Is the trip still over 2 weeks away!?
Just don't pass out before we get there! LOL
We have our orange wristbands now! If you don't recognize us from our picture or tattoos - we will have the bands!
We are game for a glow night - just let us know where and when!
I believe that is 12 already! Come on guys!
Sent ours for 2
Shoot you mean I am suppose to be working out and not trying to condition my stomach for the mass quantities of alcohol I will be consuming -...
I surprise myself with my drinking abilities! We do have our Bubba Kegs - not the massive ones but the mid sized ones - they have served us well...
So is there anything going on the week we are there that we should pack for??
We leave Ottawa at 7:00am on the 12th - get to the resort at 1:23pm - if we don't have any delays on our layover at Pearson.
I (Crystal) do get a little sea sick even without drinking - any advice on how to prevent that?
We are from Ottawa - going Feb 12th to the 17th - When are you there from and til?
Has anyone heard of the games "What the F*CK" and "Let's F*CK" - if not - they are awesome - we will bring them with us on the trip - lots of...
We are already confirmed for the boobs cruise!! Looking forward to it!
OK we're in for sure. :)
We will be there from Feb 12 - 17th.
See you there! Probably will be getting our orange wristbands this week. :wave: Look for the guy with a handprint and a footprint tattoo on each...