What he said...we'll be there tomorrow!
Same here...almost party time!
46 hours to the sexy pool!!!
You're gonna love the reno...see ya on the crawl ;)
We've got the jacuzzi room covered
We're down to 8 days...gotta start drinking every night to get ready now! ;)
Gotta do a little pre-tanning...we didn't do it one year and my boobs got sooo burnt! No fun at all!
28th to Aug 4th...15 days to go!!! :)
Agreed...Last two times there (since the remodel) the more risque games have disappeared. I was really good at Naked Tequila Volleyball too! ;)
I think that the 29th and the 2nd (Sundays & Thursdays) have swapped places... ;)
For a room crawl that is... ;)
July 28-Aug 4...No BC for us this time (I think we've gone about 10 times), but we will do the yacht one afternoon.
We're up for hosting if you're in need of a room...we'll be in a Jacuzzi
July 28 - Aug 4 15th trip...
July 28th - August 4th Cathy & Harrison 15th Trip... No BC this time :(
We're in too :) I'm wearing the orange NY Mets hat at the pool.
We're in a Bash Tower room...nice view for the crawl :)
We're here now...just talking to all different types of people is fun and informative ;) The things that you discover...lol