we are there between december 3 to 17" Talk with us if you reconised us. See you there xxx Ben and Clau
1 night 1 night and will be there yeeee cannot wait. We are excited humm See you there xxxx
Hope The hope for you. Who knows, we may be helped haha
9 days and will be there yessss. Party Time wait us !!!
Lucky Lucky you two, we wish you a good flight and you see the earth from 3 December. Keep you abuse it too forces us to loll. Ben and Clau...
Less than a month and the fun begins yesss xxxx
Less of a month for us yessss
Where do you from in Canada? We are from Québec. Its our second trip and we think you will have fun. See you there at the sexy pool.
Fun fun fun hummm We look forward to having fun with beautiful people hummm
Hello to you both, if you see us there made us sign. We will be happy to meet you. Ben and Clau xxx
Sorry we have just seen your photo, we should recognize you, if this is not the case let us know. Pleasure.
Too bad you do not have photo on your profile. Always easier to recognize people with a face lol Wishing you an idea of what you look like!
We have less than two months! Looking forward to December 3 to 14 days yess. Hope to meet nice couples from all over to learn about other cultures...
We booked our trip. Done! We're here from December 3 to 17 yesss. We look forward to joining you. Ben and Clau xxx
Hello Hello you two, we responded to your message to your inbox. Good reading Ben and Clau xx
Hello to you all. We return this year for the second time. We really liked last year. We are French but we still speak English with an accent....
Hello Hello to you both, we remember you. Indeed we crossed on the site last year. If you ever think we recognize it, come say hello. It not...
yééééééééééééééééé Only one day !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Chabar xxxxx