We all know that Johnny (Fun Johnny Square Toes) will be the first to take his top off if Tmac asked :lol:
bill,glad u r back kato,we missed u sooooooooooo much,cant wait to see u in one week.
Kimmeee! Barbara and I saw the whole zipperless towel episode the very first day we met you! I have to say, that was 30 minutes of pure, top...
If you go to the store across the street and buy'em. The selection is kinda basic but if you want something special just bring it or buy it...
We are glad to see everyone is booking their flights. Now if we can just get the rest of the INFIDELS to commit. Looking forward to harrassing the...
We concur with Steve. COCO BONGO!!!!! :cheerleaders:
Well said RobnStew,,, but we are not biased here are we? lol It boils down to this: If you want some mellow fun in the sun with quiet nights...
Deciding on what to drink was a big decision our first time. Soooo my wife said what about drink themed days. This seemed to work out great after...
They changed the name from nekked to Wild but it was still the same when we were there in Sep. Screw up and your clothes come off. If you happen...
Rob, You are THE MAN! I know for a fact that that coffee table will hold at least 5 peices of dancing eye candy. (and 1 bottle of GoldSchlager)...
Just our luck....We are always a day late and a dollar short... Until then we can have a good time just watching, drinking, and smiling.
8 out of 10? With that said, I know Rob's wheels are probably turning the same direstion as mine......TIME 4 A SEX CHANGE!!!!!!!! Now I really...
Re: 1 in 10 Barb thinks it more like 6 out of 10 in our group....OMG,,,with all the beautiful women there during halloween who am I to argue....
We will be there for the April 30 thru 5 May fiasco!!!!! Curtis and Barbara
When we were there in sep there was no smoking in the rooms, lobby, and dining areas. Everything else was ok.
yes sir I do remember.... T seems real suseptable to goldschlager fever..the infection spread pretty dam quick too. I'll bring a couple of...
rob, I think thats a great idea. it should hold 8 - 10, maybe more if there is Goldschlager involved.
Ok April and Rob,,,,,I'm in. I dont have any of just myself in a bathing suit...will these do? If not let me know I might be able to fing...
Timmy isnt gay? I though the camel toe stuff along with the yellow self made condem pic was a dead give away. Sorry Timmy my bad........lol
That pic of April could have been taken last Sat...lol .Poor girl. I have to say she does party her a&* off. Curtis though he would be able...